USB 3.1 Type C Receptacle Connector → USB 3.1 Type C Receptacle
Product Description Product № Height ㎜ Length ㎜ Package Type 2D 3D Status
RWB06 Series sketch dwg R/A, THT+SMD, 5 Amps. RUC01-1××R024C3 3.33 10.0 Taping and Reel Active
RWB06 Series sketch dwg R/A, THT+SMD, 5 Amps. RUC02-1××R024C3 3.33 8.65 Taping and Reel   Active
RWB06 Series sketch dwg Verticle, THT+SMD, 5 Amps. RUC03-1××R024G7 10.45 3.16 Plastic Tray   Active
RWB06 Series sketch dwg Off-Stand, THT+SMD, 5 Amps. RUC04-1××R024C4 1.30 7.95 Taping and Reel   Active
RWB06 Series sketch dwg Side-Entry, THT, 5 Amps. RUC09-1×××024MA 12.50 14.55 Plastic Tray Active
RWB06 Series sketch dwg Miniature, R/A, SMD, 5 Amps. RUCD1-11×R024C3 3.16 7.90 Taping and Reel   Active
RWB06 Series sketch dwg R/A, THT+SMD, 5 Amps. RUCF×-1××R024C3 3.42 8.60/9.95 Taping and Reel   Active
RWB06 Series sketch dwg R/A, THT+SMD, 5 Amps. RUCH1-1××R024C3 4.46 9.95 Taping and Reel   Active
RWB06 Series sketch dwg R/A, THT+SMD, 5 Amps. RUCL1-1××R024C3 4.46 9.95 Taping and Reel   Active
RWB06 Series sketch dwg Off-Stand, THT+SMD, 5 Amps. RUCS1-×1×R024C× 2.00 8.60 Taping and Reel   Active
RWB06 Series sketch dwg Off-Stand, THT+SMD, 5 Amps. RUCS2-×1×R024C× 2.00 10.00 Taping and Reel   Active
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